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At the backend, the Digital Asset Manager (DAM) manages the movie file encryption, the Content Repository Server manages file storage, and the Central Server at the Network Operation Center (NOC) manages and controls all content distribution, billing and reporting activities.

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   Content acquired from the content providers is encoded and then sent to DAM for encryption.
The encrypted digital files are stored on a Content Repository Server.

   DAM also stores all associated information about the content like movie genres, actors' names, title,
length etc.

   The backend NOC server packages and distributes the contents specific to a hotel; it also manages the
Conditional Access System (CAS), for providing encryption keys whenever a service is requested.

   Encrypted content is sent through satellite connection using an up-linking satellite to the hotels.

   The two-way activity log channel keep sending the information to the NOC server regarding usage,
entitlement and billings, hotel wise.